Supervillain Labs

Cookie Policy

Created: 09-06-2024
Last update: 09-06-2024

This Cookies Policy applies to our website available at (together the “Services”). When you use the Services, we may use cookies, web beacons, scripts and similar files or technologies (collectively, “cookies”) to collect and store information we automatically collect about your device and use of the Services. This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, what kind of cookies may be used in our Services and how you can manage cookies.

For the purposes of this Cookies Policy, “we”, “us” and “our” means Supervillain Labs Inc., a company incorporated in Republic of South Korea with the registered address at B1F Portier Office D, 304, Hyoryeong-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06720, Republic of Korea. For the purpose of any personal data we collect through cookies, we are the data controller. Our data protection officer can be contacted here.


Cookies are text files which are placed on your device when a website is loaded on your browser. They are widely used in order to make websites work or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owner of the site or to another site that recognizes that cookie.

First party and third party cookies

Cookies can be first party or third party. A first party cookie is set directly by us to your device, whereas a third party cookie is set by a third party (such as analytics providers and our advertisers and business partners).

Persistent and session cookies

Cookies can be persistent or session cookies depending on the time that they remain on your device. A persistent cookie is stored on your device after your web browser is closed or once your session ends. It can be used by the Services to recognize your device when you open your browser and use the Services again. A session cookie exists temporarily on your device while your browser is open. It is deleted automatically once you leave the website or close your browser.

In the European Economic Area, United Kingdom and Switzerland, we will only use non-essential cookies with your consent.

If you do not accept the use of cookies, please disable them using the instructions below and changing your browser settings so that cookies cannot be placed on your device.


The table(s) below explain the cookies used by us and our partners in connection with the Services.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential to the functioning of the Services, to provide a service requested by you or to comply with the law (e.g. security requirements of data protection laws). These cookies will be collected once our website is loaded on your browser and cannot be turned off as we cannot provide the Services without them.

CookieCookie NamePurpose
Supervillain Labs (First Party)next-auth.csrf-tokenTo prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by ensuring that requests made during a session are legitimate and originate from the authenticated user.
Supervillain Labs (First Party)superv.csrf-tokenTo prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by verifying that requests made during a session are legitimate and originate from the authenticated user.
Supervillain Labs (First Party)next-auth.callback-urlTo store the URL to which the user should be redirected after completing the authentication process, ensuring a smooth and consistent user experience.
Supervillain Labs (First Party)next-auth.session-tokenTo maintain the user's authenticated session across different pages and requests on the website, ensuring a seamless and secure user experience during their logged-in session.
Aptos Labs (Third Party)_hjSessionUser_3271013To ensure that user behavior can be attributed to the same user across different sessions, allowing for consistent tracking of user interactions and generating insights into how users engage with the website over time.
PayPal (Third Party)cookie_checkTo ensure that the PayPal payment process can function properly by determining whether the user's browser accepts cookies.
PayPal (Third Party)cookie_prefsTo remember the user's consent preferences regarding PayPal-related cookies by storing the user's cookie preferences specifically for PayPal's services on your website.
PayPal (Third Party)d_idTo enhance security by identifying and tracking the user's device during the payment process, helping PayPal recognize returning devices and prevent potential fraudulent activities.
PayPal (Third Party)enforce_policyTo enforce PayPal's security policies and compliance measures during the payment process on your website by maintaining consistent application of security protocols.
PayPal (Third Party)tsTo enhance security and prevent fraud during the transaction process by tracking transaction data and user sessions to identify and mitigate security risks.
PayPal (Third Party)ts_cTo enhance security and prevent fraud during the transaction process by tracking transaction data and user sessions to identify and mitigate security risks.
PayPal (Third Party)_gaTo help PayPal understand how users engage with the payment process, including tracking user behavior and performance metrics to optimize the payment experience.
PayPal (Third Party)_ga_xxxxxxxxxxTo help PayPal understand how users engage with the payment process, including tracking user behavior and performance metrics to optimize the payment experience.

Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to collect information about your online activity, including behavioral data and content engagement. They allow us to provide you with a better user experience and to maintain, operate and continually improve the Services.

CookieCookie NamePurpose
Supervillain Labs (First Party)_gaTo collect data on how visitors interact with the website, including pages visited, time spent on each page, and any interactions, for the purpose of improving website performance and user experience.
Supervillain Labs (First Party)_ga_xxxxxxxxxxTo collect data for detailed analysis of user behavior, allowing for more granular insights into user engagement and performance metrics.
Aptos Labs (Third Party)_gaTo collect data on how visitors interact with the website, including pages visited, time spent on each page, and any interactions, for the purpose of improving website performance and user experience.
Aptos Labs (Third Party)_ga_xxxxxxxxxxTo collect data for detailed analysis of user behavior, allowing for more granular insights into user engagement and performance metrics.
Datadog (Third Party)_dd_sTo track user sessions and interactions, to analyze and enhance the performance and user experience of the site


We use cookies when providing our Services to make sure you can use and enjoy our Services easily. Some of the cookies are essential and we cannot provide our Services without them, but there are others that can be turned off. You have the right to choose whether or not to accept non-essential cookies and we have explained how you can exercise this right below. However, please note that if you choose to refuse or, at a later stage, opt-out of certain cookies or other essential locally stored data, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Services.

Most devices (in the case of mobile applications) and browsers (in the case of web apps and pages) allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. This lets you control your cookie settings so that you can:

  • see what cookies or other locally stored data are used and delete them on an individual basis
  • block third party cookies
  • block cookies from particular sites
  • block all cookies from being set
  • delete all cookies when you close your browser

For more information on how to manage popular browsers, please see below:

You can change the settings for the cookies we use in our Services at any time in our preference center.

How to opt out of third party cookie use

If you want to reduce your settings at any time (for example, if you accept all cookies, but later decide you do not want a certain type of Cookie) you can use your browser settings to remove any third party cookies or similar technologies dropped on your previous visit. To opt out of Google Analytics’ use of cookies, a Chrome browser add-on is available.

If you would like to find out more about cookies and their use on the Internet, you may find the following link useful: All About Cookies.


We will update this Cookies Policy to reflect changes in our practices and services. When we post changes to this Cookies Policy, we will revise the "Last Updated" date at the top of this Cookies Policy. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use, and/or share information held in cookies, we will notify you by prominently posting notice of the changes when you log in to or use the Services. We recommend that you check this page from time to time to inform yourself of any changes to this Cookies Policy.


If you have disabled one or more cookies, we may still use information collected from cookies prior to your disabled preference being set, however, we will stop using the disabled cookie to collect any further information.


If you have any questions or comments about this Cookies Policy, please contact us via email at